The Devil Conspiracy (2022) is a horror-thriller directed by Nathan Frankowski, blending supernatural horror with science fiction elements. This unique film explores the consequences of advanced technology in the hands of a cult aiming to reshape the world by harnessing demonic power.
Plot Summary: The story follows a powerful biotech company secretly controlled by a cult that worships Lucifer. They have developed technology to clone historical and religious figures by obtaining their DNA, and their ultimate goal is to clone Jesus Christ by using the Shroud of Turin, which they believe contains his DNA. By creating this clone, they plan to resurrect Lucifer on Earth, bringing about the apocalypse.
A kidnapped art historian becomes embroiled in this dark conspiracy as she learns of the cult’s intentions and their frightening technological capabilities. The filmโs protagonist, a heroic priest, is chosen by the Archangel Michael to confront the cult and prevent the resurrection of Lucifer. As the forces of good and evil collide, the movie explores a twisted scenario where science, faith, and supernatural forces are intertwined.\